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Fwd: Death of foal (was nurse mare available)
In a message dated 05/28/2000 8:55:08 AM Pacific Daylight Time, BMcCrary27
<<Butch returned from the vet's last night with the diagnosis of the sudden
death of their foal: an artery in the intestinal area ruptured, causing
death as sudden as if it were a heart attack. Can't remember the name of the
artery, begins with an M, for those of you who know internal anatomy of the
horse. It was no doubt a congenital weakness. This does not alleviate the
sorrow of our daughter's family, but it surely does help me a lot. I'm one
of those people who usually (but not always) can handle the unavoidable:
"...the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change
those things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference".
They're just dealing with things one step at a time. Susan plans to
re-breed the mare, I think.
Just talked to Susan and found the name of the artery: Mesenteric artery
---- Begin included message ----
Butch returned from the vet's last night with the diagnosis of the sudden
death of their foal: an artery in the intestinal area ruptured, causing
death as sudden as if it were a heart attack. Can't remember the name of the
artery, begins with an M, for those of you who know internal anatomy of the
horse. It was no doubt a congenital weakness. This does not alleviate the
sorrow of our daughter's family, but it surely does help me a lot. I'm one
of those people who usually (but not always) can handle the unavoidable:
"...the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change
those things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference".
They're just dealing with things one step at a time. Susan plans to re-breed
the mare, I think.
---- End included message ----
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