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Re: RC: weighting saddles
In a message dated 5/27/00 9:28:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
robandcarla@hotmail.com writes:
<< Okay I have to protest a smidgen here. I am not flaming anyone....okay
a little. But this is a bit of a peeve here. Why would someone want to use
weights??? I would hope only for training. But if someone was going to use
them on a ride I would have to ask why? So you can go up in a wieght
division and get an advantage? >>
Nope, because FEI has a 165# minimum that must be carried, which is a
distinct disadvantage for tiny, skinny people. If you note, the question
came from somewhere other than the USA, so I'd suspect the poster is having
to deal with that. Those really tiny featherweights here who have had to
make weight for FEI are thrilled to get back to regular competition where
they don't have to fight this problem.
Heidi (sure wish I could have that problem, though... <sigh>)
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