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Re: RC: Re: Beet Pulp

> Hi Susan!  I'm feeding the Purina Complete Advantage now (I'm too lazy to
> make my own mix up).  My horses are crazy for it.  What would you think of
> giving a pound or two of it during a ride at the lunch stop, soaked in
>  Neither of my guys particularly cares for a sloppy bran mash, but I
> if I used the Complete and then mixed a couple handfuls of bran, probios
> electrolytes and water with it, that would be a good "lunch".  What do you
> think?
> Sylvia (as usual, thanks for the advice :)

Since my horses are out at barns now instead of in my backyard, I feed a lot
of Complete Advantage as well.  Soaking it for a ride stop would be fine,
although remember that since CA already has grain in it, by adding more
bran, you're adding more grain not more fiber.  If you're adding the bran
because they're more likely to eat it that way, fine---just remember you're
adding grain, not roughage.  :-)

Susan G

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