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Ellen tully et-albert@msn.com
I find it humerous to combine two such responses: horses that don't sweat, and mares that have the hots for other mares.
First: I have seen mares almost always show heat signs when in the company of other mares, esp. mares that they have just met. My theory is it probably has to do with instinctual selective breeding. If one is in season, the other instinctually knows a stallion will be coming soon (if in natural state ) and wants some of the action.
Second: Horses that don't sweat, or sweat adequately are in the state of Anhidrosis (sp?) Dr. Sarah Ralston has done some extensive research on this subject, she is one of us RCers. Check the Archives. She also has come up with a medication for the condition. Horses that don't sweat may be taxing their resp. systems in an attempt to cool. Check resp. rates and HRs and recovery times to gather more infor. if you have any doubts.
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