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Thank yous and Credits for CastleRock
Kathy Myers magnumsmom@aol.com
This was a great ride. I realized a personal goal
dating back 20 years when Blue and I finished this
ride in 11:30... Trilby was catching us at the end.
:) :) :)
Barbara put on a terrific show. Some of the turns
I guess we had to look for ribbons here and there,
but we were never "lost". While we would have
welcomed cool fog and a breeze, the views were
spectacular (can't see this stuff in fog).
I have to give credit where credit is due... please
forgive me where I have lost names. Blue had food
and bran mashes ready to dive into at every check...
and they cleaned up after he slobbered it all over
*everything everywhere*. Blue and I could not have
completed this ride without the unsolicited help from:
Kiki and Peter
Kirsten and Significant Other (brain drain)
Jennifer Layman
Lynn Jackson (Karen Sullivan's sister)
Judy Long
Kathy Webster
And all the outstanding vets and volunteers
who made CastleRock possible this year. The
food was delicious and not just because we
were hungry.
Blue is one tough little horse and for the first
time I'm feeling guilty signing with the old
guy's name instead of his. :)
Appologies for those who I've forgotten to name
here in this email, you are not forgotten in my
heart. Thanks everyone!
:) - Kat Myers
BLUE's mom too, in No. Cal.
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