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At 07:29 AM 5/26/00 +0200, Tracy wrote:
I feel soooooo shitty about this. Please
can someone find a way to cheer me up.
Well, of course if you take your dogs out riding there could be
problems, but then if you take your car out of the garage there could be
problems too. But hey, you say your dog was attacked by some dogs
locked out of their own property? Well, cheer up! So far,
you've done pretty good. You've contacted the owner of those dogs
by sending them your vet bill! Hopefully you didn't forget to
include a little note telling the owner that you look forward to riding
by his/her house with your dogs real soon so you can practice your aim on
live targets with your trusty .44 magnum.
You need to think of this as your quest for a safer country when you ride
with your dogs. Just think - the next victim attacked could be a
child , a service dog, etc. Get a chance to shoot those vicious
killer dogs & you'll be a hero and you'll get to enjoy that sweet
feeling of revenge PLUS you will make the world a safer place for us
all. Feeling better yet?
I suppose you could teach your Jack Russell to jump up onto your saddle
so at least other dogs couldn't get at it but I like my solution,
above. If you aren't into that, bring mace or pepper spray &
use it liberally.
And Tracy - GET AN ATTITUDE! Everyone does have a responsibility in
this world - to speak up for what they think is right. If you want
to live in a world where people can ride with their dogs, then take steps
to create such a world. It's not my place to judge for you whether
that's a right and proper quest, but it is your choice to take such a
quest if you will. Be, as they say, proactive, not reactive.
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