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Title: foamy sweat
Just have a question about this post: Char Antuzzi Thank you for all your replies. All that responded said
that this should go away with more conditioning
under our belt. He gets worked 5x a week free lunging
in my arena, then I do around 20 miles mostly at a walk
and slow trot on a weekend, then the following weekend
I do a hard, hilly 7 to 20 miles. This guy is getting
worked. All well now you all will recognize us, we'll
be the black foamy stallion. Anyone going to Camp Far
West this weekend, we'll be there..
Thanks again
I'm surprized this horse hasn't gotten sour on the lunging! From some of the articles I've read, many trainers recommend limiting this kind of workout-especially on an everyday basis. How long do you work him everyday? I've been tempted to do lunge work in place of riding but having read so much about limiting lunge work that I wouldnt' do it.
What's the opinion on this issue? (i'm sure there' many but it just seems like this would burn a good horse out)
inquiring minds want to know...
sherry and hudson