Sylvia, you can sprinkle a bit around the corrals to take care of any
flies that land; added to the grain for horses, it only takes about a
tablespoon per feeding. For cats & dogs, no more than a teaspoon shaken
up with about 2 cups of food - and they don't seem to have any problem
accepting it (unless you've got one of those really finicky eaters -
which I've never had! *grin*)
> << Melody, the Diatomaceous Earth is very effective as a wormer, and to
> kill fly larvae in the manure. The kind you need can be found in
> several ways; one is to check with a feed store or nursery; you would be
> looking for something to control pests without chemicals (sometimes
> you'll find it with permethrins or other chemicals added, which you do
> NOT want!) It's often used for slugs and other critters. >>
> Julia -- thanks for the great information. How much do you feed of the
> stuff? I was under the impression that you merely had to sprinkle it around
> your corrals for it to work -- is this correct/incorrect? Thanks!
> Sylvia