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getting lost /cutting trails
It doesn't matter if you put on extra miles while you are lost or if you
are on a parallel trail of equal miles.
You must ride the trail as marked by management so the riders you came
across at the water hole should have returned down the trail until they
come to the spot they got off trail. They then turn arround and ride the
correct trail.
Roy Cust did an extra loop (I can't remember if it was 10 or 20 miles)
because he rode them out of sequence. (It was an 80 mile ride )He did
this without complaint because the rules state it very clearly as a
completion requirement.
Brian Zutz and Audrey Grieb on another ride both front runners had to
redo a loop because they did it in the wrong direction . Same amount of
miles wrong direction. They did it without complaint.
The AERC rules are clear.Ride management just needs to enforce them.
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