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Re: RC: Gotta love this mare
In a message dated 05/24/2000 8:56:14 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
seamstob@telusplanet.net writes:
<< My mare has always been a great drinker on the trail but this weekend
she made me realize what a great horse she has become.
We were cantering down the trail right behind another horse. We went
over 2 small wood bridges. After crossing the 2nd bridge she stopped did
a wonderful roll back stuck her head down and had a long cool drink. She
let the other horse canter away while she drank her fill. With a long
cool drink in her belly we galloped off to catch the other horse.
The only problem is she really doesn't understand why I make her wait at
water holes until other horses are done.
She will find water on a trail where I think there isn't any.
At one ride she stopped to drink the water out of footprints filled with
rain water after we arrived to find the water tank empty at the trail
side when someone left the valve open. >>
I have a mare that has become just what you describe. I have found her to be
head and shoulders smarter than any gelding I have ever ridden. I suspect it
has to do with mares being herd leaders in the wild, and also protectors of
their young, hence they are survivors.
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