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Fwd: RC: honor
In a message dated 05/24/2000 7:46:05 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
bsdavis@kansas.net writes:
<< But I will never let
anyone get away with "shortcutting" a trail during a competitive event.
Would someone let it happen at the Olympics? NO. then why should we let
someone get away with it at a local event? If more of us stood our ground
and INSISTED this be taken care of immediately, it would happen less and
less. >>
As a ride manager I agree with you on this, but how does a ride manager
police this? Have a monitor at every field or corner that can be shortcut?
We had a situation on our ride this last weekend in which several riders
indadvertantly shortcut at least 6 miles off the course. One or more were
suspicious that they were off trail, the others were "absolutely" sure the
shorter route was correct. We figured it out by timing and a number of other
clues, and denied completion due to "off course". The riders had failed to
see the flagging (in the shade) and had taken a well-defined but unmarked
cow-path. They emerged into an open field that was also not marked, but in
going across it they spotted the flagging of the correct trail, albeit 6
miles further into the ride. In short, they cut off about 6 miles. Most of
the riders were very gracious about it, a couple were not at all happy, and
one of them thought we ought to refund at least part of the entry fee. We
said it was unfortunate and we empathized, but no, ride fee refunds were not
forthcoming for riding off course.
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In a message dated 05/24/2000 7:46:05 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
bsdavis@kansas.net writes:
<< But I will never let
anyone get away with "shortcutting" a trail during a competitive event.
Would someone let it happen at the Olympics? NO. then why should we let
someone get away with it at a local event? If more of us stood our ground
and INSISTED this be taken care of immediately, it would happen less and
less. >>
As a ride manager I agree with you on this, but how does a ride manager
police this? Have a monitor at every field or corner that can be shortcut?
We had a situation on our ride this last weekend in which several riders
indadvertantly shortcut at least 6 miles off the course. One or more were
suspicious that they were off trail, the others were "absolutely" sure the
shorter route was correct. We figured it out by timing and a number of other
clues, and denied completion due to "off course". The riders had failed to
see the flagging (in the shade) and had taken a well-defined but unmarked
cow-path. They emerged into an open field that was also not marked, but in
going across it they spotted the flagging of the correct trail, albeit 6
miles further into the ride. In short, they cut off about 6 miles. Most of
the riders were very gracious about it, a couple were not at all happy, and
one of them thought we ought to refund at least part of the entry fee. We
said it was unfortunate and we empathized, but no, ride fee refunds were not
forthcoming for riding off course.
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