----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 11:06
Subject: RC: Re: Tevis
At 09:08 AM 5/24/00 -0600, Sandy wrote:
There's a video of all the riders going over
Cougar rock...I can;t remember
what year it was made but it is very
enlightening....The front runners sail
over the rock like it was just a
bump in the trail...you can see a steady
decline in the ability of horse
and rider to negotiate the obstacle as it
gets further and further to the
back of the pack...until by the last 30
riders, or so, almost everybody
has trouble getting over it....
1994. We showed that
video at the AERC booth at Scottsdale this past February. I looked at it
easily hundreds of times! Extremely valuable info - not because it's
Cougar Rock specifically but because it's an obstacle that presents a
challenge, and you can tell about the horse's shape from the challenge.
I'd love to see another video like that of any comparable
Years ago we worked as vet secs at a NATRC ride - I
believe Bob Young was one vet & I forget the other. But a log
obstacle was placed at the top of a long hard climb. When we questioned
why this setup was done that way (seemed cruel & unusual punishment to me)
whichever of the two vets replied that he didn't care how the rider chose to
deal with the obstacle, but in fact he could tell everything about the horse's
condition by how the horse dealt with it.
Just so with the
Cougar Rock video. I finally wrote down each horse's number & a
prediction of completion based on how they took the Rock. I haven't
checked the results yet, but I will.... Lif
& Paul Strand STRAND
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