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Re: RC: Re: wrong horse - mileage credit

WHICH microchip company?  Not all will scan with just any microchip


Michelle Fink wrote:

> > Any one have a better way?
> microchip horse (or put the chip on an AERC photo ID card for horse),
> microchip an AERC photo ID card for the rider.  keep your ID card in your
> trailer.  at checkin for a ride (and maybe at vet checks?), use the
> handscanner to record horse and/or rider info.  it's technologically
> possible and quite a few vets have the scanners...
> please no flames.  i can think of all the downsides myself. :-)  i don't
> think it's practical for this year, but it might be in a few years.
> m (aka Michelle Rowe), CO
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