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RE: Ah..the art of cheating
My reference to "backyard mutt" had nothing to do with where people KEPT
their horses, but to your reference to "There is a distinct difefrence in
attitudes between tehse folk and teh folk who perhaps even started on a
retired (remember, they retire show horse at about 5!) family show horse or
pet, and gradually moved up to a horse more specific to the sport. These
people seem to have a greater love and respect for both the horse and other
people in it, and so take care not to offend, to cheat or abuse."
I'm not "sheltered" as you identified me. In no place in my response did I
say abuse or poor horse husbandry didn't happen. Am I saying that no-one who
went out and bought a good horse to start on fits your description? No.
However I don't buy into the premise that people who started with their
"retired show horse or family pet" are ANY better than those who started in
other ways. There are jerks and caring people at all levels and they got
there by various methods.
Regardless of your "many exceptions" - "SIGH" comment, your statement, read
at face value, was that those who go out and buy a good horse AS A RULE are
not as caring and responsible as those who start out differently. That is
an unfair characterization, and that was my point.
-----Original Message-----
From: SandyDSA@aol.com [mailto:SandyDSA@aol.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 8:33 AM
To: KDykes@cpes.com; ridecamp@endurance.net
Subject: Re: Ah..the art of cheating
In a message dated 5/24/00 8:23:23 AM Pacific Daylight Time, KDykes@cpes.com
<< So "in general" people who go out and buy a good horse instead of riding
their backyard mutt don't deserve to be called "endurance riders" since
don't have a "great love and respect for both the horse and other people in
it" -- so the next proper conclusion is they are more inclined to "offend,
to cheat or abuse".
You need to read the post indtead of fitting it to your response. I never
said that. YOU said that. I SAID that there are many who fit this
to teh detriment of both the sport and the horses. Are you saying there is
truth at all in this? I never mentioned WHERE they KEEP their horse. Wha I
SAID was that some people discovered the sport well before they had
experience, knowlege or a love for the horse. I can tell you from close
experience that many STILL don't have these things and are palcing and
sometimes winning out here.
And yes, I do get my "undies in a twist" over statements like this.... even
tho I'm NOT one of those undesirables mentioned above - thank goodness, I
want to be able to sleep at nite! Generalizations like this with no data
back it up can't help but offend.
>>Data? Okay I guess someone needs to do a STUDY on eyewitness accounts of
overriding, abuse and obgoing horid horse husbandry practices in teh various
sports. I have seen it and sadly that is good enoug for me. You are
and sheltered indeed if you haven't. Just who will respond to a request for
such data? you must have missed the part that said MANY EXCEPTIONS. sigh!
there are indeed many people who fit this description in southern cal, not
just in endurance but also in showing - they are simply OUT THERE. They are
easy to spot, and even though many people don't have the huevos to admit it,
a handful of the top placing riders out ehre are known abusers - neglecters.
They are replacing their lame horses at a breath-taking rate. I know 2 of
them personally I am sad to say. Most backyard horse owners aren't into
endurance or much into shows. I can't help but wonder why you are offended
teh statement that abuse comes first from the uninformed, them by the
uncaring is many cases.
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