Re: RC: Ah..the art of cheating
In a message dated 5/24/00 6:13:57 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
tvanhove@uswest.net writes:
<< People complain
about someone getting away with breaking a rule but they have a schoolyard
mentality that they cant 'tattle'. Responsibilty for keeping our rules
rests on each member.
Personally if I sold someone a young horse and they invited early
lameness for it by pushing it into competition before it was of age, I'd
nail them. Guess its obvious that I'm a horse owner not a horse seller.
> >>First off, we DO report people who both cheat and abuse. Sadly, at the
shows where we have had to do this, no one cares. They DON'T CARE! Too many
people care less about decently, honor and care for the creatures than they
do the ribbon, the win, and the bragging rights.
Secondly, it has seemed to us over the years that there are more and more
riders in all persuasions, endurance as well, who had no real experience nor
great love and respect for the horse first. They discovered this fine sport
and then went out and bought a horse, just the right horse, a competetive
horse - like a motorcycle or something. There is a distinct difefrence in
attitudes between tehse folk and teh folk who perhaps even started on a
retired (remember, they retire show horse at about 5!) family show horse or
pet, and gradually moved up to a horse more specific to the sport. These
people seem to have a greater love and respect for both the horse and other
people in it, and so take care not to offend, to cheat or abuse. Before
anyone gets their undies in a twist, I know there ar emany, many exceptions,
but it is rather unnerving to think that ANYONE without an enduring affection
and knowlege for the horse as well as a sense of competitive honor is
competing in this fine sport. I have wondered at times if it is becaus ethey
have no other claim to fame or strength of real industry or joy in their life
and so this is where they find it. But as we ALL KNOW- cheating isn't it
either. The rest of us sleep nights - better and more often!
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