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Re: Ah..the art of cheating
----- Original Message -----
From: <Trailrite@aol.com>
> The last one is a mistake this time, I'm sure, but this was
experienced > before a couple of years ago and it was brought to my mind
today. It started > to make me wonder if this goes on more than we think.
The rider seems to > have more than one horse that has the same name and
same AERC number?
> Strange, isn't it? > Just wondering??? > Tammy Robinson
I have heard this one too.... and it just makes me wonder... how do you
*not* know which horse you are ridding. I have an identical full-blood
brother and sister. same size and color, same blaze and socks... and I
don't mistake them in the barn, much less under saddle and *not* for 50
miles. (I guess that would be a hint when they pee'd <G>)
I also think there is a problem with horses having multiple identities,
nicknames and.or multiple spellings of their name is a problem. Don't you
know your horses name?? and how to spell it????
I don't have any answers since many of us don't ride registered horses, but
I think as the stakes continue to rise (re: the recent discussions on the
Glory of International and the Price of Endurance Horses) that the AERC
database (Horse Records) needs to have some amount of credibility.
Becky Huffman
Huffman's Arabians ~ The Original Series ~
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