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stirrups/short people

>..and it turns out these stirrups were made 
to go on an ortho-flex saddle.  They are brown with laced leather on the
>sides and a foam pad for your foot (not foam like cheap >foam.....kinda
like >the EZ ride stirrup foam..only not as thick).

>sigh< I've got 2 sets of those I don't use any more. They came on my 2
OF but once I tried the e-z rides I *had* to change.  When I sent my e-z
rides back for new cages and put the old ones back on I thought I'd die.
Amazing how different people need different stuff. ANYWAY, if you're
still with me, here is where I think my problem lies and I'd like to hear
from other short people.  

I think the reason I need a wider stirrup than most is that I'm so short,
and I ride with a fairly short stirrup, that my stirrup needs to stay
sort of flat against my horse's side...or maybe it's just that the 2"
wide stirrup leather has to turn when it's barely past the panel. 
Whatever the reason, I prefer to ride with my toe pointed slightly out
while the stirrup's more forward.  When I try to make the stirrup point
out it's a pain.  Anybody else notice this? 

 I think there's quite a few problems really short people have to deal
with like this, for instance stirrups hanging too far forwards. 
Also,most people use their OF with the big metal buckle right at the top
of the stirrup.  That won't work for me, the stirrup won't turn well.  I
turn it inside out and run it up just below my knee in the hollow before
the calf.  It works for me.  I'm taking my old e-z rides to my farrier to
see if he can beat it back into some semblance of it's former self.


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