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Ad Responses
We have had a number of people contact us about both our OF saddles for sale
and our gelding, but people have CALLED and asked for us to email photos but
didn't leave their email addresses.If you want photos by email, please leave
that info - and if you want a phone call returned, leave that as well. Just a
gentle reminder so that no one thinks they are being ignored. And don't
forget to list your contact numbers when you POST one as well.
In the meantime, how many people have ridden in Tuckers and how do you like
them? A friend asked me about them for pleasure and I frankly knew nothing.
Thought I would check with the people who KNOW.
Also, thank you to all who came out to our meeting yesterday in Calabasas
about the proposal to zone horses out of the Santa Monicas. They tried to
pretend that this was not the intent, but of course, we knew better becaue
many of us HAD read the entire Draft Proposal! Boring reading at best, but
frightening in its ultimate impact. But to protect ourselves, everyone MUST
be practising good management - and not polluting watersheds etc. A couple of
things that come to mind are the regular removal of manure from the site (not
pitching it over the hill or into the nearby stream)and being a good neighbor
by keeping your ranches in exellent condition. As they were blathering on and
on about impact on watershed and pollution by horses (which of course they
had no studies or information to prove)I thought to myself - here we have
been cleaning our corrals DAILY for over 13 years and removing it from our
land each week and what is the problem? I GUESS it is the people who DON'T
clean daily and remove it, or the ones who dump in streams and down slopes
and such - so in the interest of everyone who owns and enjoys the equestrian
life, may I respectfully recommend that we ALL NOT DO this? The ultimate
outcome of this situation has the capacity to affect all of us, especially we
who frequent the National and State parks. Just an opinion of mine, but if
one cannot or will not both pay for and do the work to maintain horses
properly, one should not have them. It IS hard work, but it must be done and
is not an option - certainly not now in light of what is happening. Let's NOT
give them anything to complain about! Okay, I'll step down now....
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