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Have you ever felt like this at a ride?
Linda Van Ceylon lindavaneq@hotmail.com
First let me say that "anonymous" should not be allowed to post
The same temperment/attitude which causes you to be anonymous
probably is the reason for you thinking someone is out to get you.
Now, that I've mounted my egotistical high-horse, let launch into a
diatribe and try to make a point.
Yes, I have had that feeling at rides. And although it is clear
from your post that you were referring to a CTR ride, not Endurance,
I believe the "appearance" of this atmosphere exists at endurance
rides too.
There are two situations when I have had this "feeling".
1) THE NOVICES: When I attend a ride where the ride management
and/or the Vets are new to the game. That is, either the game of
ride management or the game of vetting rides. When the RM is new,
usually everyone is new and therefore uncertain of what they are doing.
So, they may not be very friendly or fair, unintentionally, because they
are simply insecure. The same goes for inexperienced vets who appear not
to know how to judge soundness. That's probably because they can't.
They simply don't have experience at what they are doing. Nothing
against you or your horse, "anonymous".
2) THE UNFAMILIAR: When I go to a ride where they don't know me,
they may be extremely experienced, but I've not ridden at their ride before
and they have'nt a clue who I am. Neither do I know them, other than
on paper. If it's a ride with large participation, I'm sure they
often don't know who 1/2 of the riders are.
I must admit it can really make you feel like an "outsider" (which, after all,
is what you are) when you are standing in the front of the Vet-line
and the Vet calls his client behind you by name and allows them to space
in front of you. Now, you can get paranoid and pissed-off by this, or you
can just try to make a positive impression on the Vet by being cordial and
courteous. It usually works. They will remember you next time and be cordial
back at ya'. Unless, of course, they are inexperienced Vets. Then, that would just
be expecting too much.
This second scenario sounds alot like politics and it is. It is also called
life, which is not and never will be fair.
Oh, yeah, I'd planned to make a point here. I guess the point is: if you are
not getting what you expect, then, your expectations are too high. Step back
and think about what's going on. Are the perpetrators of your persecution
just new to the game or are you a stranger in a strange land. In either case
the solution is repetition. Just keep going back until they know what they
are doing, or they know who you are.
Ft. Collins, CO
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