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Tucker Endurance Saddles

Sorry, y'all, I tried to search the archives for input on this one, but
don't seem to be working right now.  I'm thinking about saving my
for a Tucker Endurance saddle.  Does anyone use one, and what do you
of it?  One thing that gives me pause is the wool felt the model that I
had as lining, as opposed to sheepskin.  That stuff seems pretty shock
absorbing (I had a bareback pad made of it once that was suprisingly
"cushy"), OTOH, I've never seen it used in this manner before.  How does
wear, and is it replaceable?  Also, I believe the seat has some kind of
padding in it that's supposed to make it more comfortable.  Does this
break down, or get unduly hot?  Any comments appreciated, before I drop
$900+ on something that I may regret.  Thanks.


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