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RC: Re: Fw: Wild Horses in Coyote Canyon

I cannot imagine never getting to ride there again!

On another matter, can you make a date with the Yosemite National Park Director on January 26 and can you inform the President of ETI to attend?  the following letter is from George:

Dear Friends:
You were with us 2 years ago at our meeting with Jerry Mitchell of the National Park Service at the Concord-Mt. Diablo Trail Association Clubhouse in Clayton.

We have not been asleep. We made several contacts with Stanley Albright since then with limited response.  Attempts to meet with the Superintendent were denied.

He is now retired.  A new man has been named, David Mihalic. He has 25 years of NPS Service.

In order for him to meet the Horse Community, we are pleased to invite you to have lunch with him in Yosemite Valley on January 26th at 11:30 a..m. Upon receiving your response you will be notified of the location.

It will be a no-host event except the Superintendent will be our collective guest and anyone he may choose to accompany him.

We thought with such a lapse of time it would be prudent to briefly renew our previous declared concerns.

They were:
1.  Reinstate the Mounted Ranger Patrol.  We were pleased to see that one of Mihalic's first actions was to fund the entry of a Mounted Ranger color guard at the California State Horsemen's Association Color Guard at the traditional Opening Night Grand Entry at the Cow Palace Oct 29, 1999.  2.  Reinstate the program rental horses for the public in the Valley. (This has been done, it reopened after our annual committee visitation to Congress brought this issue to a Congressional Committee hearing).  3. Provide a group camp in the Valley, Tuolumne Meadows, White Wolf and Wawona as well as Mather.  We understand Bridalvale Horse Camp is under rehabilitation but will reopen will smaller group sizes. 4. Replace horse trails on the Valley floor that were paved over for bicycles.

Please respond no later than January 20th your intention of attending.  As stated above, we will alert you as to the luncheon location upon receipt.

George Cardinet.

At 06:53 AM 1/15/00 -0800, you wrote:
Just another Jorgenson ploy to manipulate the Anza Borrego STate Park  according to the Jorgenson Agenda. 
The Anza Trail is an an overgrown swamp since vehicles no longer keep the chanel open. 
----- Original Message -----
From: Robert and Kathleen
To: tim fingers ; dalas meeks
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2000 7:25 AM
Subject: Wild Horses in Coyote Canyon

El Centro Office
Attn: Dalas Meeks
        Tim Fingers
I am informed that the Anza Borrego State Park has been allocated funding to remove the wild horses in Coyote Canyon based on the claim that they are an "exotic" species to the region.
Please provide me with an email, fax, or mailing address of the BLM Dept. that has jurisdiction over Wild Horses, our National Treasure.
Thank you,
Kathleen Hayden   

Nancy DuPont, Executive Director
Heritage Trails
1350 Castle Rock Road
Walnut Creek, CA 94598

Our Mission: To preserve and protect trails and answer the question, "Where are you going to ride your horses, and where are you going to keep them."
Telephone (925)937-7661 FAX (925) 943-7431

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