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Re: Mast Cell Tumor

My horse Echo has had a golf-ball sized tumor on his inside knee since
August - two vets have confirmed through biopsy that it is a mast cell
tumor, which are not typically cancerous in horses.  This thing is not
causing lameness or any apparent ill will to Echo, as he has his typical
energy and enthusiasm.  I had it x-rayed to see if was growing from the
bone, but the picture showed it to be a vascular tumor and not connected to
the bone, and the third vet I had look at it at the vet clinic here in
Texas (Elgin Vet Clinic) recommended against cutting it out because it is
too close to some major tendons and arteries and healing it would be
difficult.  So, here's my question - has anybody had experience with such a
nasty thing, and if so, what did you do to either get rid of it or at least
keep it from growing bigger?  (If it's something we are just going to have
to live with, then I can imagine what each ride vet is going to say when
they see it.)  I am pretty worried about this thing causing any eventual
pain for Echo or interfering with his soundness and possibly ending his
career.  Your suggestions are more than welcome - please!

Carolyn Stark
Austin, Texas

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