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RC: Freshly ground flax seed
Barb Peck bpeck@together.net
Barb Peck
The subject of Flax seed comes up from time to time
and I was waiting for some else to answer, but I guess
I will. It's good for all animals.
Flax seed is very high in 2 essential fatty acids (EFAs)
(Omega 3 and 6).
Flax seeds should be ground just before feeding, because
oxidation occurs rapidly when exposed to the air.
It's a good idea to grind the seeds for a couple of reasons:
The seeds are tiny, and like all seeds, will pass right thru
the digestive system if they aren't chewed, or ground
before reaching the stomach.
And some horses will separate the seeds out of the grain, but
I've never seen a horse refuse them ground. (taste-em, they're
It's my opinion that linseed meal, be de-fatted, and already ground
is a good source of fiber/protein, but all the good EFAs have been
removed... so I've never used it.
I feed ground flax seeds daily, top dressed on the grain
(about 2 or 3 table spoons/day, or about a 1/4 cup) in the spring.
The rest of the year, they get it a few times a week mainly because
my seeds are in the freezer and the grinder in the kitchen.
(I've wanted to put a fridge in the barn for years now).
There are some good references out there on Flax seed
by the seed growers and on the Net.
I like it better that even cold-processed raw corn oil
because the Flax seeds basically last forever, and raw corn
oil has a fairly short shelf-life.
As far as the poster that said she caused dehydration
by feed ing flax seed:
I have never read or even heard that Flax seed can act
as as a diuretic and cause dehydration...Anybody got
any references on articles to that effect?
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