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Re: Re: syria
In a message dated Thu, 4 May 2000 1:56:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time, "owens" <owensall@sierranet.net> writes:
Dear Tom and Bob;
I am sorry. I have never seen this type of fracture except at the track and
assumed its cause would be lack of bone strength. Apparently it can just
happen. Darn, now I have something else to worry about.
No prob, Katee. ou're correct in that those miles are money in the bank as far as protecting bones, cartilage, tendons and ligaments is concerned. And the racetrack stock see woefully insufficient mileage for the athletic challenges they have to face.
In this case, though, it was a tough horse stepping in the wrong place, and then giving no further indication that anything was wrong until the final very unexpected snap.
When I saw that bad step, all my racetrack warning systems went off, and I was thinking that if that had been a racetrack TB, that would have been a fracture. Well, it was, anyway. Just held together for another 20 miles of so, with the horse passing a vet check looking great, with a very competitive heartrate recovery and CRI.
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