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seems like a form letter to me
I read the letter that the guy emailed about the American River ride. Don't
mean to burst any bubbles but the letter seemed very Formed. In other words
careful what I say. I could loose my job. I understand that. I don't want to
bring up any politics,but had the guy roused me that early in the morning I
believe that this person would be getting one hell of an unhappy woman on
their hands. Not only would I have been getting names and badge number but I
would have been digging up some serious baggage. I have almost ousted one
cop for harrassment on a ticket. I am sure I would make someones life a
living hell for harrassing me like that. One thing a person will not do is
seperate me from my horse.
I would have to agree with some there was some serious miss understanding
here. Heads should roll! I would have been more than happy to oblige the
rules however if me and my horse don't sleep within 20 ft of each other on
rides we don't go!
There could have been some serious liability here on both parts.
Fortuanately no one was jailed or even worse shot. I understand the jobs of
these men.. I say this tounge in cheek. I would agree that the adrinalin and
testosterone were probably at a major high. When you wake someone out of a
dead sleep and when you wake a bunch of people out of a sleep you can put
yourself in some danger. Comeon we all know someone at a ride that packs
some heat?
Is there a detective in the house?? along with a couple of lawyers?
I promise if I ever become a coveted ride manager.. I will put all the park
rules in the packet. I promise that if I can't find suitable accomidations
for riders and horses in a camping facility then I will not hold a
ride....Someone better write this down for me..
Carla (okay I am really off my box now)
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