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Re: RC: Could have been a tie-up? (was dark urine/muscle damage)
My horse has pee'd dark urine after a really hard ride. She never seemed to
tie up, never had muscle cramping, etc. in fact she was sound at the final
vet check an hour after the ride. But it was pretty obvious that she had
suffered some muscle damage. In the next few weeks, she would cramp any time
she got over-excited and started running (which, with her is quite often) I
tried to keep her confined, which she hated worse. The year before she had
done the same thing as your horse (run off) and started having problems with
an overconditioning type syndrome. Two weeks after the last ride for the year
her muscle enzymes were still very high. I believe that muscle damage can
occur without a distinct Tying up episode, and that the muscle damage can be
cumulative. I retired this mare from endurance, as she is very excitable,
refuses to take care of herself if there is a horse in front of her, and will
hurt herself trying too hard. I am starting her Anglo daughter this year,
taking all I have learned, and plan to breed the older mare for a race baby,
as I do not believe the problem is hereditary, just an inexperienced rider
and a mare with a racehorse mentality. By the way, six months later she does
not show any signs of a problem, but I would not put her in a competitive
situation ever again. What I want to say is, REST Your Horse, much longer
than you think is necessary. Muscle damage takes a long time to heal, and
sometimes there is scar tissue. Lots of horses have tied up and come back to
endurance riding. Good luck, jeri
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