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Re: Re: what to do with cramp/tie-up
----- Original Message -----
From: "Maggie Mieske" <mmieske@netonecom.net>
> Glenda,
> I was just reading an OLD Horse magazine last night (1969...I enjoy
> at those things!) and read an article about first aid. It was very
> interesting. It said to NOT walk a horse who is tying up. Cover him up
> and keep him still until the vet arrives.
Several years ago I talked to Kerry Ridgeway DVM about this, since that is
:"standard" old protocol. Probably the best thing for a bad tie up, is to
cover the horse and get help (trailer). But, what about when you are out in
the boonies?
I have had two horses tie up on me (extreme sweating, shaking, hard
muscles), that WANTED to walk out and graze. By the time we were back to
the trailer (several miles), the horses seemed fine. One mare was then
rushed to the vet who then felt she was fine and DIDN'T need treatment. Dr.
Ridgeway also told me that if the horse wanted to walk and graze, by all
means let it. I would still reccomend haveing any horse that ties up checked
by a vet and given treatment. My big mare tied-up
at Wine Co. and was quickly treated in the field. Later, we elected to take
her to
UC Davis where she could be monitored all night. They gave at IV fluids all
checked blood taken in the field. Due to this quick (and aggressive)
treatment; there was no permanent damage.
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