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Pirates Run

If you didn't make it to Ponce de Leon Florida this weekend then you missed a 
great and exciting ride.  Mark your calenders  and hopefully Kim and Michelle 
will be hosting this ride again next year, 'cause its a surprize.
The 50 mile started at a sun-somewhat-up which was near 5:30 in the a.m.  And 
there were around 35 souls at the line.  The trail started down a gravel/clay 
country road for a while and down some dirt bike/powerline roads (and i mean 
DOWN).  through some single track with lots of branches to dodge (Vicky and 
Michelle said they trimmed a few but left some- that's part of the fun!!!?)  
For Florida we sure have some technical hill and washout riding down here.  
My horse, Cosmo, thought all down hills should be done at warp speed, well 
come to think of it up hill too.  He was feelin good and we were in our own 
turf, so to speak.  The ffirst 15 mile loop was fast and we were out on the 
2nd loop to do the now infamous train track 10 mile loop. Very exciting,  
right away you are riding about 20 feet away from a potential freight train 
(I had 2 experiences on my ride)  and your either above it or below it.  Then 
you cross the tracks and its jeep trails and single track lots of little 
streams so plenty of good water for horses, sometimes quite deep in places.  
The second RR crossing is not an official crossing but a steep enbankment of 
gravel and the track is at the top.  Cosmo decided after one experience with 
this that its best to cross as fast as possible so with no warning he 
practically just jumped the whole thing like he was at the Rolex 3 day cross- 
country.  (when he retires at Endurance he can have another career).  
The 50 miler did each loop twice so it was alot more sane the next time 
around.  Except the gravel RR crossing.  We still leaped it the 2nd time too.
We placed 5th and recieved lots of useful prizes- buckets chairs and a bag of 
FRM Endurance feed  I can't believe I was 1st featherweight,  all other FWTs 
must have stayed home.  
All in all, we had a great time and the camp site was superior, a HAY 
FIELD!!!  Good grazing in your corral.
GREAT Job ,Kim and Michelle!
Paula and Cosmo the extra wonder horse
Poor Rocket who had to stay home

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