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Re: RC: what IS rider option?

I think that the RO to pull falls in this catagory... I was at the Tevis 1998 
and had personal problems.  Crews and our riders not getting along, ride vets 
that were having undesided or should I say... 3 horses going, had all three 
horses lame in at least on 3 legs out of 4, but continued on. 2 horses 
completed with all A's.  I don't know, seems that it's more like stress 
worrying about vets "trying to find something wrong."  Its not very fun or 
comfortable.  We know our horses, and I realize that the vets there deal with 
a lot of riders that don't.  Maybe this is the reason for so many funny 
things going on at the vet checks at this ride...  anyway had enough  of this 
stress and I got mad and pulled at the last vet check where my trailer was.  
I didn't even go back to vet my horse in.  So I would call this RO.  Thats 
was my pull and it had nothing to do with the horse I was riding.  I just had 
lost my "want to" to complete this ride that year.

Tammy Robinson
Trail-Rite Ranch & Products

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