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>>Perhaps it just takes a nice person, who is more interested in the future
>his/her horse, than how much money he/she can make.  
>All that is well and good, but how long can a breeder be that 'nice person'
>and stay in business, or even use it as a hobby, unless he/she has
>unlimited funds?
>Jan - a one time breeder.

One of the first things I learned regarding horse breeding/boarding is that
it's very difficult to make a lot of money in this area -- so you can't
afford to give stuff away too often...and you better hang on to your "day
job" in order to have the money to do it the way you want. ;-)  I see it as
a primary reason that so many big breeders ditch good ethics and
horsemanship in order to some, to live the "good life" and do
more than *just* survive.  It's reflected in the joke that went around the
'net some time ago about the horse breeder who won the lottery.  When asked
what he was going to do with his millions, he replied that he would
probably just continue breeding horses until it was all gone.
Tyee Farm
Marysville, Wa.

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