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Best conditioned

I know this subject sort of died, but I need some help here.  Several
people have written asking which list of BC (human) judging I was adding
onto, I checked the archives and I can't find it either.  I think
"Tobytrot" wrote it.  Wanna repost and get it on the archives?

Also, as I dug through the archives, I never found my initial answer to
the question: "Who should get the BC award, rider or owner?  I was in
this position once.  I took a horse who'd never done 50, conditioned him,
and won a race and got BC.  I gave the win and BC awards to the owner,
and kept the weight division award.  Even if you do the training, seems
like it's the horse that owns the award.  These were trophy type awards. 
I'd do the same with blankets, bridles, etc.  However, I won a top 10
jacket with the same horse and it would have been silly for the owner to
have worn that jacket.  I kept it.


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