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RE: RE: RE: Karahty (and Bloodlines in Arabs)

<...what does it really mean?>

It means that there is a need within the endurance community to educate
ourselves about our horses so that we don't have to make statements like
yours.  So that we might utter a sentence in regards to breeding that didn't
include the words, "...I think...that might...who probably."  I would much
rather be able to make an intelligent decision about a prospective horse
based on empirical evidence than take tours of feed lots hoping to find
another Red.

Let me make myself very clear that in no way do I think that this tiny
project comes close to the aforementioned empirical evidence; this whole
project was done simply as food for thought.

Our main focus was to raise the awareness that we need to do a better job of
utilizing the data assets that our sanctioning organizations maintain.  That
data and the data maintained by the breed organizations is the key to
understanding the successful breeding that actually produced an endurance
performer.  We should never slip into the complacency of just not being
bothering with it all.

Salim Nice

-----Original Message-----
From:	Kathy Mayeda []
Sent:	Thursday, April 20, 2000 4:10 PM
Subject:	RC:  RE: RE: Karahty (and Bloodlines in Arabs)

All this is very interesting statistically, but I think that there are many
modern stallions out there that might produce excellent endurance mounts but
never get into the endurance registries because their get are primarily used
for performance, pleasure, show, pasture ornaments, or breeding for
breeding's sake.   Since we are seeing a lot of successful endurance horses
being rescued from feedlots, who probably have a good lick of all these
stallions listed in their pedigree, what does it really mean to us?

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