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Wish me luck, I can really use some

From: "Maryanne Stroud Gabbani" <>
>Friends are muttering about the bad eye I'm at a bit of a loss. >Maybe
someone is trying to tell me
>something. Oh, well, I'm not always a good listener.
Maryanne Stroud Gabbani

I've had this sort of run of bad luck twice during my life...and it's
worth it.  I think everybody has just so much bad luck, and it's best to
get it over with all at once.  Wouldn't you rather total your vehicle
*while* your horses are lame?  This is always when I planned a
pregnancy....that way you're not wasting any time, but if your daughter's
16 I guess that's out of the question.  There comes a point when you just
laugh and announce, "Would anyone else like to kick me while I'm down
here?"  That's when you're over the hump and things start getting
better....and look how much bad luck you got out of the way!  By the way,
you didn't mention your knee didn't you destroy it recently too?  By this
time next year, you'll be starting on a 10 year smooth sailing streak.


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