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Back on My Pony!
Demonstrating the versatility of the Icelandic breed, 4,000 mile Remington
has temporarily retired as an endurance horse and has instead taken up a new
career as a therapeutic riding horse. Last Tuesday he took his brand new
patient, me, on our first ride of the year, century and millenium. Since Rem
has assumed a new identity, we will call him by his Icelandic name, Spaejari
the Spy, for the time being.
It has been a little over three months since my New Years Eve adventure and
the reconstructive surgery to repair my broken leg and knee joint with steel
screws, bone grafts, etc. After weeks of intensive physical therapy, I got
rid of my crutches three weeks ago and now use a cane. I saw my doctor last
Tuesday at 4:30 in the afternoon. Although my knee cartilage will always be
torn up, the x-rays showed the bone to be healing nicely.
By the time our appointment was finished at approximately 5:15 pm., I was
cleared to ride again. I drove home, changed and drove over to the ranch
where Remington and Skjoldur have been running with Elizabeth Haug's herd.
Elizabeth had already separated Rem out and put him in a box stall awaiting
my arrival. I was in the saddle by 6:30.
Although Rem was pretty antsy at first, he settled down quickly. Adapting
perfectly to his disguise as a therapy horse, Spaejari the Spy actually stood
still for once as I slowly climbed into the saddle. We walked for ten minutes
or so and even trotted a few yards. Spaejari was very gentle but I could
feel the power in him. I can still feel the power. He stood still again
while I climbed off. He turned around and rubbed my shoulder with his head
while I scratched his neck. None of the usual pinned back ears and bites.
We led him back to the herd. Spaejari walked away for about twenty feet and
then turned around and came back for some more scratches. He even tried to
leave his buddies and go back out the gate with me. I love this horse.
Thanks, Boss.
John Parke
Solvang CA
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