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Re: RC: Re 50's for newbies..irresponsibility???

I usually try to keep my opinions to myself and my fingers off the keyboard 
in discussions about LD but I would like to remind all of you that there is 
another segment of riders who I suspect do LDs for the same reasons that I 
do.  Many people has disabilities or disabilitating conditions and 25 or 30 
miles is all that they can handle themselves.  While my horses could probably 
go further at this point I cannot.  I hope that someday that might change 
with all the new medical break throughs happening every day.  Until that time 
I personally am very grateful to AERC and the ride managers who put on LDs so 
that I can be out there enjoying the companionship of the other riders, my 
horses and all that goes with Endruance riding.

Canby, OR

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