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Re: RC: Toe length

Cindy, you need a new barn goddess.  A long toe puts more stress on the deep 
digital flexor tendon, more stress on the sensitive laminae, more stress on 
the coffin and navicular bones, and causes the toe of the horse to bear the 
weight, which is against nature's design.  It takes the weight OFF of the 
sole and bars of the hoof, where the weight is by nature designed to be 
carried, and places it forward of the bony column of the leg, and on the 
horse's toe and the hoof wall.  Weight on the hoof wall is weight on the 
sensitive laminae.  These structures were not designed to bear weight, that 
is the job of the caudal sole and bars.  Generally speaking, shorter is 

<< Another conflict today with the barn goddess.  As usual, she wants me to
 listen to her and forget all this internet stuff.
 As my riding buddy was commenting on how good my gelding's feet are looking
 now, the BG responded with, "But you've got to get her (my farrier) to leave
 more toe on him.  He looks downright clubfooted."
 The bg's breed of choice of TWH, though she would never engage in the TWH
 (nightmare) show practices.  She's also a very tradional horsewoman.  Am I
 right that TWH's tend to be trimmed with longish toes (or maybe the BG is
 just traditional, period)?
 Cindy >>

Trish & King David,
Grand Blanc, Michigan

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