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first ride
First ride was an LD at Renegade Rendevous in July of 1996.
I had just bought Donte from Marjorie Van Gilder in March.
I arrive at camp with my friend Dawneen who rides a QH/arab
mare. When the 100/75 milers left camp, her mare started
pawing a trench the size of the Grand Canyon by the side of
the trailer. When it was time to electrolyte, it took 3 of
us to syringe her. When it was time to saddle up, it took 3
of us to keep her still long enough to throw her saddle on.
She was so pumped to go! Now, here I am, totally new to
this whole thing, riding a "new" horse, riding in a western
saddle, oblivious to electrolytes, carbs, vet checks, etc.
I just did what Dawneen did and listened to everyone I
could. So after we got the Reesa-bitch saddled, it was
Donte's turn. Here are the thoughts running through my
head: "Oh, look at my boy, isn't he being so good. Took
those electrolytes like he's had them everday for the past
year. Standing so still while being tacked up. I am so
proud of him, he's so pretty and such a good boy!!!" Over
and over... I repeated it like a mantra! About 15 min.
before "take-off" we mounted up to ride up to the starting
line and loosen up before the big event. As we neared the
20 other horses milling about the start, I could feel him
change underneath me. A firecracker he was not, more like
a stick of dynamite. I got off, adjusted tack, tried to not
be nervous, got back on and knew right then and there, I
was in big trouble! I told my riding buddy what was
happening and her solution (and it was probably the best
thing to do) was when the ride started, keep him away from
the other horses, get him across the creek (1/4 mile from
the start - about) and let him open up on the mile+ hill at
the beginning of the ride. Well, when they said go, he
went, more up than forward, bucking for all he was worth. I
kept thinking, keep his head up.... then he'd rear!!! All
the way to the creek. Dawneen just kept saying, when we get
to the hill, let him go!!!! Oh please, like I needed to be
reminded! After the hill, he was a dream............ drank,
ate, etc. like a pro. Finished 5th with GREAT recoveries
and I was hooked! Dawneen said afterwards that we had a
great strategy, no one wanted to get anywhere near us! She
thought I should have received the "rodeo" award. She said
she could see air between him and the saddle for that first
1/4 mile!
I guess I shouldn't have bragged, even if it was only to
myself! He's still like that at starts, not so much bucking
anymore, but definitely high energy. (We're working on that!)
Heidi-aerc#M20935 /\_/\~
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