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Re: RC: Tires

At 09:46 PM 4/13/00 EDT, wrote:
>I was wondering what you all  would recommend re: bias ply versus radial 
>tires for a trailer.  I have a 2-horse bumper pull and a Ford F-150 truck.  
>My truck has radials.  Should I go with radials for my trailer too.  Any 
>advice would be much appreciated.  I pull Icelandics so the load is not
>heavy.  Thanks so much!!  Eva

In general, radial tires are what most people use, even for fairly heavy
loads these days.  The important thing is to buy tires that are meant for
the load you carry.  The tire dealer will most likely tell you what you need.

I can't imagine you'd need super-heavy duty tires on such a small trailer -
it probably doesn't weigh as much as an average car - even with 2 horses in

David LeBlanc

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