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Kidney failure update

 Thanks so much to all of you who kept Buloo and I in your prayers during 
this ordeal.
  Here's the update: We arrived at CSU on Monday and didn't return until late 
Wednesday. She had 5 ultrasounds, a kidney biopsy, an abdominal tap, complete 
reproductive examination and urinalysis. We are awaiting the results of the 
biopsy on Friday or early next week, as well as the results of a bacterial 
culture on the urine. She is to have her blood levels monitored every 14 days 
from now on.
  Her two main vets seem to think she has an infection of some kind that is 
dumping toxic stuff into her kidneys, but we still don't know where the 
infection might be coming from. There is a possibility that there is an 
absess of some kind somewhere in her abdomen, which, if it bursts, could 
cause peritonitis.
  She is home now (I still can't believe it!) and on sulfa drugs for possible 
infection, free choice grass hay and 3 lbs Strategy mixed with 1 lb Athlete 
daily. I was also told to pull her salt block out of the pasture, because she 
was getting too much potassium and calcium...a word to the wise here, perhaps 
to those who use a mineral salt block.
  Her prognosis is "guarded." She will never recover, and at best, her 
chronic renal failure MAY be able to be managed, but only if she continues to 
eat and drink normally, while putting on the weight she's lost. Accordingly, 
she is now officially retired and will be my favorite "pasture potato" for as 
long as I can keep her healthy and without pain.
  Still, the biopsy results have not come in yet, so I can only wait to find 
out the final diagnosis and future for Buloo. 
  I have to tell you all...I can't say how much it meant to me to have all of 
you pulling for Bulooey over the past several difficult days. I cried every 
time I read your notes to us.
  We're far from being out of the woods, so don't give up on her yet. She is 
SO tough. I've learned a lot from her courage and strength and I know my life 
would have been very different without this very special creature and friend 
in my life.
  Thanks again to all of you. I'll keep you posted.
  With much gratitude,

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