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Re: RC: RE: Re: Re: farrier stuff....


What is it with these guys/gals, I have the same problem with my present 
farrier, and have had this problem in the past also.  These are our horses, 
right, I just don't understand why there can't be more open mindedness, 
exspecially when you ask for something you are paying for, sorry don't mean 
to get on my soap box here but I to am sick of it.  Thanks for sharing your 
experiance and the web site, guess I'll be looking for a new farrier.


In a message dated 04/12/2000 6:24:48 PM EST, writes:

<< When I was desperate to find a good farrier, I e-mailed Gene and Cody to 
 about farriers in my area who have been trained in 'natural balance'
 methods -- not because I want NB shoes on my gelding, but because I wanted
 someone who understands about not paring away the sole and frog and who I
 don't have to tell to keep the toes short.  My dream was to find someone who
 also would work with me as a team (I'm really sick of prima donnas who think
 I am too stupid to even be asking them questions).
 Cody wrote back with a list of (semi)local farriers who Gene trained a while
 back, and one of those on the list is now my farrier.  She is a gem!  After
 spending months dealing with the damage left behind by her predecessors, we
 are now reaping the results of her good work.  My gelding's contracted heels
 are opening up nicely, and we actually discuss(!) options for trimming and
 shoeing him.
 Can't hurt to try contacting -- you may get as lucky as
 I did.
 Cindy >>

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