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Re: RC: Million Pines: A sponger is born

In a message dated 4/11/00 3:48:16 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< I'm throwing away my scoop. Sponging is definitely where
 it's at. It took a little while to get the technique down, and
 I still have lots of work to do... >>

Good girl.  Those scoops clank, so you can't sneak up on anybody in the dark. 
 Always said that was the advantage we had here in the NW, where in the old 
days ALL the riders up here used sponges, and all the W riders used to come 
up with scoops.  Man, you could hear 'em coming for miles on a dark night 
(clank, clank, clank!) or sneak up on 'em if they were ahead of you!  Have 
always thought the neighborhood was really going to pot up here with so many 
scoops sprouting in recent years...  <g>  Guess it takes the SE'ers to show 
us how we have strayed...


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