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Re: RC: Re: FW: The Posse Ride (From the Ride Manager)

In a message dated 4/11/00 10:30:15 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< I didn't intend to blame ride management, and if anything I wrote
 implied that I'd like to correct it here. >>

No, Joe, you didn't.  But apparently many others have--which is what led to 
their frustration and their decision to put the details on Ridecamp a few 
days ago.

You also wrote about not being so harsh on the riders--and I think you are 
right on there, too.  I know both these gals, and although I have not 
discussed this with them, I don't think either one would be taking it 
lightly.  One DID go back to find out how Jim was--I would speculate that 
since they finished together there is a good chance that they may have felt 
at the time that one of them checking back in essence represented both of 

The point I was trying to make with my quote above is that it is time to quit 
assigning blame, to learn from what happened, and to get on with life.  
Accidents happen, and often no one entity is to blame--it is just the bad 
luck of a few slightly bad things all occurring simultaneously.  And I gather 
from your posts that you pretty much feel the same way--so I was just 
agreeing with you...  :-)


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