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Re: Trail Trash???

Sometimes people get attitudes about whatever distance...I decided I just
want to RIDE!  This year myself and several other riders in Michigan
expressed the wish for more LD rides (we only had 4 last year).  Ride
managers listened and we now have SEVENTEEN (17) 25 mile LD rides this year
(7 are part of the Shore to Shore ride).  So, if we want respect, we need
to approach ride managers with respect and let them know how we feel
without getting ugly about it. (We offered to help with awards to encourage
ride managers.) Some rides really gussy up the LD rides and do awards just
like a 50 or 100 miler...I personally think that's great.  It encourages
new riders like yourself to set higher goals and does make you feel like a
valuable member of the sport of endurance. When you consider that an LD
rider probably invests somewhere around $160 (at $40 per 25 miles at least)
to achieve 100 miles over the course of attending 4 rides and a 100 miler
invests about $100 (sometimes less) and only has to attend one ride, it is
easy to see that LD riders make a valuable financial contribution to the
sport. Then again, some rides barely have time to give the LD rides time of
day....they are viewed as nothing more than a novice ride. So what?  Just
go to the rides, go back to the ones you really liked and don't worry about
the rest.  JUST HAVE FUN!!!  There ARE miles and miles of trails for
EVERYONE whether you do them 25 miles at a time or 100 miles at a time! :)

Maggie Mieske
Mieske's Silver Lining
10601 S. Richards Rd.
McBain, Michigan 49657

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