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No Frills LD
Just a note to skeptics, including myself: I finally caught up with my
mouth and did the No Frills 30 mile LD ride. Since we finished about 24"
over time due in part to my missing a turn (inattention, arguing with
Misty), it was a training ride of the first order. Misty the Spanish
Mustang fooled me. In our 10 or 12 all-solo training rides, which started a
month ago, she poked along and mostly wanted to stop and eat. Figured she
needed a lot more work to compete on terrain this tough, so determined to
walk a lot. Heck no...once she saw another horse's tail it was "Heigho
Silver, away..." and I fought her most of the way to prevent imagined
overwork. Not an issue, apparently, since she moseyed into the vet checks
at 44, with As on everything.
As for truck camping in winter weather, I will avoid it if possible, or buy
a bushel of "Hot Hands" heat packs to line my sleeping bag and boots. If it
weren't for my faithful old dog sleeping on my feet I woulda froze...the
all-day cold downpour on Saturday turned into crackling sleet around
midnight. Everything in my truck bed was sodden with condensation. Also,
Gore-Tex did not keep me dry enough...will go for PVC lined stuff for
anything but heavy fog from now on. On the bright side, the ride food was
marvelous, and better than I ever manage at home (stand in front of fridge,
fork in hand.) Haha, 'nother reason to ride...someone else to cook and clean.
Many thanks to the people who were actively friendly to the clueless and
solo first timer, too. Everyone was courteous to a fault on trail and off.
Well, I did catch someone laughing at my wind/rain pants, which, sans
stirrups, crawled up to my knees from under my half chaps, but it was funny
looking. At least my long underwear stayed put and kept knees warm.
Sally in Floyd, VA
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