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Reared up...BACK PAIN?

Sonya Williams
The a.m. of Million Pines my horse reared up when I mounted him before the event.  He has never done this before.  No new changes such as pads, saddle, etc. had been made.  One lady suggested that my saddle was too far back (after he reared up).  I presented him before the vet.  He did not seem very sensitive upon first exam.  I then, remounted and got the same results.  The vet re-examed and noted tenderness naturally around the kidneys and along the spine.  He told me to bute him for three days and give him three weeks off.  Any other suggestions or ideas are welcome.  The saddle was on correctly if I had been any closer forward I'd have been sitting on his neck and not his back.  Thanks for any input.  Sonya 

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