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Re: RC: Fw: CTR: Fw: National Legislation Alert!
In a message dated 04/08/2000 3:55:16 PM Pacific Daylight Time, dpwg@juno.com
<< Is this another attempt by greedy
agriculture interests to farm the rail right-of-way. >>
I always get a little nervous when someone starts talking about "greedy
agricultural interests". Agricultural interests in this country allow us to
be the best fed country in the world. And when all is said and done, having
enough to eat is probably the most driving force in the life of any living
creature. Americans may not choose the healthiest food available, they may
eat junk food rather than fruits, vegetables, and meat in their more natural
form, but the farmers in this country produce more food to the acre than
anywhere else in the world. I would say there are some businesses a great
deal more greedy than farmers. And anyone who has not farmed cannot conceive
of the setbacks that are handed to the farmer...the weather, the pests, the
diseases of plants (or livestock), just in time to ruin a crop. Something to
think about ......
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