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Fw: CTR: Fw: National Legislation Alert!
Some of you out there were wanting this information.
I dug it out of my folder and it has more information for you.
Pat and Razzel in Kansas ( THIS IS A NATIONAL BILL)
--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Steven E Lindsey" <lindx@hit.net>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 07:02:35 -0600
Subject: Fw: National Legislation Alert!
Message-ID: <200003200102.TAA03756@horizon.hit.net>
I discovered that many thought that the last alert was for Kansas. Far
it. This is federal legislation, simply a Kansas Senator and Kansas
Representative introducing the amendment. If you enjoy trail riding it
would be great if you would contact your own state senator and rep - The
address for Representative Ryan will connect you with your own state
representative. Steve
Senator Brownback and Representative Ryan (the miler from KU) from
have introduced an amendment to the NATIONAL TRAILS SYSTEM ACT that will
require property owners to be compensated when railbanked properties are
developed for public use and other purposes.
Specifically (Section 8(d) of the National Trails System Act 16 U.S.C.
(D) is amended by inserting "1" after "d" and by adding the following at
the end thereof: (2) Whenever any Right-or-way is subject to the interim
use provisions of paragraph (1), No such right-of-way may be developed
the purpose of public use as a trail unless fair and reasonable
compensation for such use has been tendered to the person to whom such
right-of-way would revert if it were abandoned for railroad purposes.
This would effectively kill any chance of developing railbanking.
Remember, though, the right-of-way in most cases was either a direct
from the US Government (never before deeded) or was purchased direct by
railroads. (In Kansas we have researched deeds and have found that up tp
$700 per acre were paid for right-of-way in the late 1800's. The
legitimently owns the right-of-way,) Is this another attempt by greedy
agriculture interests to farm the rail right-of-way.
Call tour senator and representative TODAY! These are railtrails but
do they plan to stop? Brownback can be reacched at
http://www.senate.gov/~brownback/email.html, Ryan at
http://www.house.gov/htbin/wrep_findrep. I assum each of you can find
senator and representative. Be a part of the American system of
and let your government know where you stand. Steve
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