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Re: RC: Re: Re: skeered to ride
As a scientist I'm not sure I believe in brain waves, precognition, and
other psychic phenomena, but animals do get non verbal messages from people.
Is it smells, body movements, or ESP? I don't know but it is real. Pat
Parrelli's web site talks about concentrating on 100 ids down the trail from
the thing that might spook your horse. I know that if I concentrate on the
junk car on Green Mill Road, any of my horses will shy, but if I don't they
usually don't.
The reason that all of these things work is much less important than the
fact that they do. So lets all visualize and concentrate on positive
experiences and outcomes.
Being nice to people and animals doesn't hurt also, but that gets into the
subject of Karma. I can also rattle on about that, but it isn't especially
horse related.
Ed and Wendy Hauser
1140 37th St.
Hudson, WI 54016
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