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skeered to ride/elbows are tough

In a message dated 04/07/2000 11:40:33 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< I hope your experience was not anywhere as bad as mine; elbows are
 TOUGH!!! >>


Everyone likes to compare their battle scars and stories, but, I, like you, 
found that shattering an elbow was the worst injury ever.  It temporarily 
took away my strength, my confidence, my courage, ME!  My orthopedic surgeon 
said elbows are the worst joint to put back together.  Funny thing about the 
moment I hit the pavement--it was the sound of my own head hitting the street 
that most freaked me out.  I just lay there wondering if I was even 
alive--then the pain hit.  Oh yeah, I was VERY alive!
And, by the way, I was wearing a helmet or I wouldn't be writing this today.  
Ride safe everyone.

Debi Gordon

PS  I will carry a legacy with me forever from that accident.  If I'm racing 
at a finish, and there's any pavement involved in that sprint, forget it.  I 
lose, you win!

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