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Those Dang Viruses!!!
The saga began when I couldn't log on to the internet (serious withdrawal
symptoms were imminent). Then a couple of my friends called me and asked me
about some pictures that I had e-mailed them. (huh? I haven't figured out
how to use the scanner, so e-mailing pictures is out of the question).
Shortly I realised that I had the cyber-space equivalent of a giant green
thing in my teeth -- the dreaded VIRUS. Joy of joys, my computer was merrily
sending this thing out to all my "friends". I initially thought that it was
going to everybody in my address book, but it turns out that only my "buddy
list" people were getting this little gem. I was all set to take my computer
in to the local computer doctor when my 15 year old son offered to give it a
shot. He fixed the whole thing for the price of a new pair of board shorts
(my reward for his great work :) Bottom line, if any of you get a message
with the words "Hey You" on it, delete that bad boy. Also, the attachments
are called Mine.zip -- don't open them! I have the printout from McAfee if
anybody needs it. This was a total pain in the rear and I now have about 400
e-mails to delete before I can get back to normal.
Sylvia (I did miss you guys though :)
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